Hi everyone,
It’s been a while since I updated this column. Well, I am happy to report that things have been going on smoothly and well. The MAA is consolidating and moving ahead!
This weekend we will get to see Hanan Janiv Shihan(6th Dan) of Australia Aikikai. This is his maiden trip to Malaysia and we wish him a pleasant stay here. Sugano Shihan had earlier planned not to come this year because of his busy schedule. Unfortunately also, recently he has taken ill and we wish him a speedy recovery.
The 11th Malaysia Aikido Seminar is the highlight of MAA activities for the year and I strongly urge all members to join. I am sure Hanan Shihan will be more than happy share his dedicated and wide experience doing Aikido under Sugano Sensei’s guidance.
Attached please find the approved Report of the Management Committee 2009 for your information and reflection.
Thank you.