Ichi | One |
Ni | Two |
San | Three |
Shi (or yon) | Four |
Go | Five |
Roku | Six |
Shichi (or nana) | Seven |
Hachi | Eight |
Kyu (or ku) | Nine |
Ju | Ten |
Ai | Harmonising. |
Aiki | Harmonising of Ki. |
Aikidoka | One who participates in Aikido. |
Bokken | Sword. |
Chudan | Middle position. |
Dachi | Stance. |
Do | The Way. |
Dojo | Training hall. |
Doshu | Leader of the way, world Aikido leader, head of budo. |
Gedan | Lower position. |
Hajime | Begin. |
Hanmi | The basic aikido stance, half body, as in facing forward with left or right foot forward. |
Hara | One point (lower abdomen, approximately 50mm below navel) physical & spiritual center. |
Hidari | Left. |
Jiyu waza | Free style practice. |
Jo | Staff. |
Jodan | Upper position. |
Ki | Vital force of Mind, Body and Spirit. |
Kohai | Junior. |
Kumi jo | Staff practices with a partner. |
Kumi tachi | Sword practices with a partner. |
Kyu | Kyu grade students, before reaching Dan grade. |
Ma ai | Attack intervals. One must keep the proper attack intervals. |
Matte | Stop. |
Metsuke | Gazing at the distant mountains. This means to focus the eyes at a distance. |
Migi | Right. |
Nage | The person performing the technique. |
O'Sensei | "The Great Teacher", Founder of Aikido - The Late Morihei Ueshiba. |
Rei | To bow. |
Seiza | Formal kneeling position. |
Sempai | Senior. |
Sensei | Teacher, instructor. |
Shihan | Master, instructor (6th Dan & above). |
Shomen | Front of a dojo, often there is a photo of the Founder, also front or top of head. |
Tanto | Knife. |
Tatami | Japanese straw mat. |
Uke | The person receiving the technique. |
Ukemi | The way of receving techniques. |
Waza | Technique. |
Yame | Finish. |
Yudansha | Dan grade students. |
Zanshin | Remaining mind or heart. Even after an aikido technique has been completed, one should remain in a balanced and aware state. |
Ayumi ashi | Altering step, left and right, like normal walking. |
Funakogi undo | Rowing boat exercise, standing up. |
Hai shin undo | Back stretch. |
Hidari | Left. |
Irimi | Entering move. |
Kaiten | Rotation move or turning move. |
Mae ukemi | Front roll or break-fall. |
Migi | Right. |
Okuri ashi | Sliding step, front leg slide and back leg follow. |
Shiho giri | Cutting in four directions. |
Shikko | Knee walk. |
Soto | Outside. |
Tai no tenkan | Body turns. |
Tenkan | Turning move or changing direction. |
Tsugi ashi | Following step, back foot following and not passing front foot. |
Uchi | Inside. |
Ukemi | General term for break-fall techniques. |
Ushiro ukemi | Back roll or break-fall. |
Ai hanmi | Same foot forward stance. |
Atemi | Strike. |
Eri dori | Collar grip by the neck. |
Gyaku hanmi | Opposing stance. |
Hanmi handachi | Nage kneels, uke standing. |
Hiji dori | Elbow grab. |
Jo tori | Defense against Jo attacks. |
Kamae | Stance. |
Kata dori | Shoulder grab. |
Kata men uchi | Shoulder grab and execute a straight frontal strike to the top of the head with the other hand. |
Katame waza | Immobilization techniques. |
Katate dori | Wrist grab. |
Mae geri | Front kick. |
Morote dori | Both hands grab partner's wrist. |
Mune tsuki | Thrust, straight punch to chest or stomach. |
Omote | Positive move, entering to the front of the partner. |
Ryo hiji dori | Two hands grab both of the partner's elbows. |
Ryo kata dori | Two hands grab both of the partner's shoulder. |
Ryote dori | Two hands grab both of the partner's wrists. |
Shomen tsuki | Thrust, straight punch to the face. |
Shomen uchi | Straight strike to the top of the head. |
Suwari waza | Knee techniques. |
Tachi tori | Defense against Bokken attacks. |
Tachi waza | Standing techniques. |
Taiho jutsu | Arrest techniques. |
Tanto tori | Defense against Tanto attacks. |
Ura | Negative move, entering to the rear or behind of the partner. |
Ushiro | From the rear or behind. |
Ushiro hiji dori | Two hands grab from behind both of the partner's elbow. |
Ushiro kubi shime | Rear or neck choke with one hand from behind and grab at the wrist with the other hand. |
Ushiro ryo kata dori | Two hands grab from behind both of the partner's shoulder. |
Ushiro ryote dori | Two hands grab from behind both of the partner's wrists. |
Yokomen uchi | Strike to the side of the head or neck. |
Ikkyo | 1st immobilisation lock. |
Nikyo | 2nd immobilisation lock. |
Sankkyo | 3rd immobilisation lock. |
Yonkyo | 4th immobilisation lock. |
Gokyo | 5th immobilisation lock. |
Irimi nage | Entering throw. |
Juji garumi | Crossed arm throw. |
Kaiten nage | Rotary throw. |
Kokyu nage | Breath throw. |
Kokyu-ho | Method for using breath. |
Koshi nage | Hip throw. |
Kote gaeshi | Wrist throw or outer wrist twist. |
Shiho nage | Four directions throw. |
Sumi otoshi | Corner drop throw. |
Tenchi nage | Heaven and Earth throw. |