The Association kept its programme running as usual for year 2006. In addition, we were represented in 2 overseas Anniversary Celebrations and 1 Seminar. In February we were pleased to have a visitor and friend from New Zealand, Simon Puffet. An attempt to increase public awareness of Aikikai Aikido via Video Show and Introduction to Aikido Workshop was met with poor response. There was an intention to resume the Annual Camp but the decision came a little too late and it had to be postponed to the following year. The year ended with a spirit-lifting Year End Gathering at the HQ dojo. On that occasion we had Steve Ng Sensei and 3 students from Melbourne and Bernie Ho from Shinjukai Singapore as guests.
The highlights for the year 2006 (besides the quarterly National Kyu Grading) were:
- Aiki-kai Australia 40th Anniversary Gasshuku (Jan 17th – 22nd 2006)Seiichi Sugano Shihan was sent by the Founder O’Sensei for his first overseas assignment in 1966. He landed in the far-away land of Australia and slowly attracted students who found something unique in his teaching. Since then, 40 years has passed and Sugano Sensei has moved on to spread the Art of Aikido to Belgium, other parts of Europe, the USA and also Malaysia. Despite being based in New York, Sugano Shihan makes it a point to return twice a year for a fortnight to Australia to instruct.Sharing the historical occasion was the present Doshu, Moriteru Ueshiba (grandson of the Founder) and Yoshimitsu Yamada Shihan (his partner at the New York Aikikai).More than 400 participants took part in the very successful celebrations and we were represented by Tony Yap, Dr Leong, Petra Meijer and Vincent Sia. It was the first time that Malaysians attended Sugano Shihan’s Summer School in Australia. Making them feel at home were George Lo Sensei and his dojo mates and several other Malaysians studying or working in Australia.
- Ikuhiro Kubota Seminar (Mar 11th – 12th 2006)This year Kubota Shihan was in fine form, having fully recovered from a major illness and well looked after by a companion. We were fortunate to have back with us Tan Chew Boon, a newly promoted nidan who has been studying, working and training in Japan for 7 years. He spoke Japanese like a Japanese and needless to say, was able to translate very word of Kubota Shihan’s teaching. For the very first time, we heard the essence of ‘kokyu soren’ , ‘fune goke undo’ and ways to develop ‘ki’ in a language we could understand.
- George Lo’s Annual Tutorial (Apr 16th – 19th 2006)We were enriched with George Sensei’s annual return to provide the lead in Technical and Teaching Classes. Many would find his lessons refreshing and useful, especially those going for yudansha examinations in July.
- 7th Malaysian Aikido Seminar (Jul 14th – 16th 2006)This was our main event for the year and the venue was the newly opened Kompleks Rakan Muda Petaling in Puchong. Joining us were 20 plus students from across the Causeway from Shinjukai (mainly) and Aikikai Singapore. There were 2 Belgians, someone from the UK and also a sprinkling of participants from other dojos. Seiichi Sugano Shihan looked comfortable in his new prosthesis and was in devastating form.One of the most memorable time during the Seminar was dinner at a Japanese restaurant near Jalan Alor where the foreign participants and their assigned chaperons got up close and personal with Sugano Shihan.
- 3rd Rakan Muda Public Aikido Demonstration (Jul 16th 2006)In an effort to promote aikido, the above Demonstration was held on the last day of the Seminar. The Guest-of-Honour was YB Tuan Dr Kow Cheong Wei, ADUN Kawasan Kinrara. He was so pleased with the effort that he contributed RM 1000 to the MAA. He commented that it costs much less to practice aikido than to work-out at the Fitness Gyms and the philosophy and the self-defence aspects were much more beneficial. He encouraged the setting up of a dojo in Puchong.
- Hironobu Yamada Seminar (Sep 22nd – 24th 2006)Two of H.Yamada Shihan’s students, Kenichi Yamada and Kaneo Haga came to join him in the Seminar. The attendance of our members was poor and shameful. Despite that, H.Yamada Shihan shrugged off the disappointment and went on to teach us the finer aspects of aikido and took us through the complicated 24 jo-kata and kumijo of the Tada Shihan group. In the end, we came to the conclusion that as long as there was a sincere effort to practice, the benefit and fun of learning was just as great. Nonetheless we hope members will not lose out on the opportunity to learn from this serious and sincere teacher.
- Hong Kong Aikido Association 35th Anniversary (Nov 3rd – 5th 2006)The Hong Kong Aikido Association, under Ken Cottier Shihan had many friends around the world and it was no surprise that many aikidokas from around the globe congregated at their 35th Anniversary celebrations. Amongst the Instructors at the Seminar were Hiroshi Somemiya Shihan and Masatake Fujita Shihan from Hombu Dojo. Other notable ones include Hironobu Yamada Shihan, Ken Cottier Shihan, Etsuji Horii Shihan, Tony Smibert Sensei, Mutsuko Minegeshi Sensei and Philip Lee Sensei. The venue was excellent as it was central to most tourist spots and shopping areas. We were represented by Tony Yap, Dr Leong, Petra Meijer, Kenny Teng and Vincent Sia.A side bonus was the invitation by Michael Leung Sensei to visit his new dojo in Wan Chai. Therein housed one of the largest collection of books, magazines, videotapes and cd/dvds on Aikido that ever existed, including some very rare publications.
- Donovan Waite Seminar (Dec 2nd – 3rd 2006)Donovan Waite was the uke for Yoshimitsu Yamada Shihan in his videotape series Power and the Basics. His great ukemi has always awed me (besides the power and finesse of Y.Yamada Shihan’s technique, of course). When the invitation came from Jakarta, I knew I just have to go despite the fact that I have just returned from the Hong Kong Seminar. Three of us, Low Thian Seng Sensei, Dr Rayney and myself attended this great Seminar along with about 80 local Indonesians. Donovan Waite Shihan has grown out of the shell of just being Yamada Shihan’s uke and has now emerged as one of the finer aikidoka on his own merit.
It has been another active and very interesting year for the Association. The MAA has withstood the test of time and now more and more people in Japan and elsewhere are acknowledging its position as an established Aikido organization in Malaysia. We can only grow stronger in the years to come and I urge all members to help in recruiting more students so that we can become a force to be reckoned with come 2009 when we celebrate our 15th Anniversary.
Dr Leong Kok Weng
Hon. General Secretary