July is a month of sweltering heat in Malaysia. It is a time when haze tends to appear no thanks to the perennial open burning in a neighbouring country and even within our own territory. In contrast, down south in Australia it is winter with freezing temperatures of 5 or less degrees.
Yet, one man has chosen to brave the extremes of climate to travel from Australia to tropical Kuala Lumpur to teach his students. This year would be his 8th trip, not to enjoy the sunny beaches or rest his eyes on the lush green jungles and highlands but to be on the mat, transmitting what he had learned from the Founder.
So I say to my students, please learn to appreciate this man for he is not an ordinary person. He had endured the tough life and hard training at Hombu during O’Sensei’s lifetime, serving his Teacher without any thoughts of financial reward or security. He followed his Teacher’s fleeting footsteps during his travels, carrying his belongings, finding a seat, buying food and drinks, preparing his tub of hot water and laying out his mattress. He had to stay alert in his sleep in case his Teacher gets up in the middle of the night to ease himself. Such was the life of a disciple (uchi-deshi) under the great Founder. The loyalty and attentiveness developed is something which our modern world is sadly lacking, shoved aside by selfish materialistic and social considerations.
All the present appointed Instructors in the National Technical and Teaching Committee in Malaysia have been training in Aikido for more than 15 years and teaching for at least 10 years. When Seiichi Sugano Shihan consented to be our Techical Advisor in 1997, he drew for us a PATH or direction in the study of Aikido. We seniors no longer have to scratch our heads on how to perform and understand some techniques – we just ask Sensei! We have now a systematic way of training! We were taught the tanto, ken and jo!
Learning from the Instructors is not the same as learning from Sugano Shihan. The Instructors just taught what they have been taught, combined with their past knowledge and experience, hoping to convey Shihan’s instructions to the grassroots. The students will have to be present in Sugano Shihan’s classes to learn from him. Somehow the ‘chi’ that emanates from him does not and cannot be passed on from the Instructors; it has to be ‘received’ directly from him (just as he had from O’Sensei previously).
The annual Malaysian Aikido Seminar, under the Instruction of Seiichi Sugano Shihan is the single most important event for members of the Association. Like a core Textbook, this year’s Seminar is Chapter 8 of the series which first started in 1998 when Sugano Sensei set step in Kuala Lumpur. Year by year, Sensei advances us a little in our understanding and the practice of his Aikido. Irregardless of whether the techniques taught are the same or new, there is always something fresh that we have not been aware of or done.
Lastly, I want to reassure all students that Sugano Shihan’s Seminar is not only for those who are already skilled. It is meant for the whole spectrum of students. It is an opportunity for him to assess the whole group and attend to any weak students. A beginner will get just as much opportunity to interact with Sensei as any yudansha. A chance to meet the ‘real’ Teacher will be an inspiration any student (beginner or senior) and you will find the pain, boredom and drudgery of daily practice melt away.
Dr Leong Kok Weng
National Technical and Teaching Committee