I have not done my writings for a long time. Perhaps the beginning of this year is a good time to start. First of all, I want to highlight 3 important events for this year. They are:
- Hombu Shihan visit
- Annual Malaysia Aikido Seminar
- International Aikido Federation Seminar
Hombu Shihan visit
Following the passing of our teacher Seiichi Sugano Shihan, the MAA has turned to Hombu for assistance in conducting Seminars and yudansha examinations. This year we are proud to have Shoji SEKI Shihan visit us. The dates are 23rd to 25th March 2012. Seki Shihan is well known to us senior instructors and we are delighted that he has kindly accepted our invitation. As this is the top event for the year, do mark your calendar to participate in this Seminar.
13th Malaysia Aikido Seminar
After 10 years of learning from Seiichi Sugano Shihan, we are determined to preserve the legacy of Sugano Shihan’s aikido. And thus, we continue our annual July Seminars with the assistance of the shihans from the Sugano Aikido Foundation in Australia. This July, we are very excited to have Robert Botteril Shihan. I remembered that he last came with Sugano Sensei more than 10 years ago and I missed many of his wonderful classes as I had to attend to Sensei. I now look forward to welcoming him in July.
11th International Aikido Federation Seminar
The above Seminar will take place in conjunction with the IAF Congress which is scheduled to be held in Yoyogi from 17th to 24th September 2012. This Seminar happens only once in 4 years and sessions are instructed by the top shihans in Japan and the rest of the world. Aikidokas from all over the globe will gather and train together in the spirit of love and harmony that the Founder propounded. As far as I am aware, more than 25 members from the MAA had already purchased their flight tickets to attend the Seminar. It is not too late to plan your leave and join in the largest overseas delegation that the MAA has sent to any Seminar! A meeting to discuss the programme and tours will be held as soon as more details of the Seminar are forth-coming.
Locally, we will continue to run the Annual Camp (revived last year after a hiatus of 3 years) and the annual Inter-varsity Aikido Seminar.
In view of the busy calendar, we sought the kind understanding of Ikuhiro Kubota Shihan and Hironobu Yamada Shihan to postpone their visits for this year. Fortunately, they were sympathetic to our problem and agreeable to come again in the near future upon our invitation.
As a responsible government recognized Aikikai Aikido organization in Malaysia, it is our job to promote the martial art to more Malaysians and maintain the high level of competence that Sugano Shihan had imparted to us. I urge all members to commit time to regular practice, attend all Seminars and events, and to assist the Association in the expansion and development of Aikido in Malaysia.
Keep on training – that is the secret in Aikido!
See you on the mats!
Dr Leong